This week: Writer
Oh mercy. What am I doing? That part where I wrote about being on blogging sabbatical? It ran smack dab into the Thursday night Twitter party for Five Minute Friday and an I-don’t-have-to-go-to-work tomorrow night. And seriously? The prompt? How was I supposed to ignore that? I knew this was going to be a challenge, but let’s face it, the FMF crowd, this Thursday night/Friday writing thing? This is my jam. So, in perfect character, I’m breaking the rules tonight. If you know me, this will not be a surprise.
But I want to honor my own commitments too. And so I want to share something besides my own words with you tonight. I want to share my writers. The ones who do this jam thing with me. The ones who flitter through Twitter and cheer through the blogosphere as we lift one another up. I want you to know these women I love who say, “I am a writer.” You need to know up front that this list will be woefully incomplete. I’m just picking five. One for each minute. There are so many more. I ask for grace.
The writer who just might be my blogging BFF if there is such a thing: You’ve heard me talk about Karrilee here before. This beautiful woman of light and love. Who asks you to speak love. She blogs at Abiding Love Abounding Grace. Her spirit of joy and encouragement permeates all that she shares. I hope you visit her space.
The writer who said yes before I even knew her name. Casey is pretty amazing for many reasons. I’ve known her for a mere couple of weeks and I’m already a fan. When we did the #192HoursOfPrayer she signed right up and jumped in. Lifting up a friend she hadn’t met yet; sharing the prayers with her family and kids; being so faithful. She’s recently re-done her space: Create-Relate-Share Jesus. I hope you visit her space.
The writer who blossoms encouragement like she’s a camellia tree in full bloom. Jenn, who scribbles fresh words, is more than I have words for. Her kind, generous, praying heart has been bound to mine so closely – and I haven’t even met her in real life yet. When you read her words, you are lifted, comforted, given to joy, and yes – encouraged. I hope you visit her space.
The writer who reminds me that He has a greater story. Holly and I keep discovering things we have in common. Love of red lipstick, pens, more office supplies, the writing life, and uncommon grace. She is an extrovert extraordinaire, but we fit like a matched pair. Her words bring hope and are grounded in the Word. I hope you visit her space.
The writer who runs towards an authentic life. LeeAnn is another relatively new friend – we get lots of those at the #FMFParty. She writes beautifully about broken pieces that are repurposed into a mosaic masterpiece by a loving God who holds it all in His hands. Whether mothering, marriage, or the joy of freedom in Christ, her voice rings out; echoing the promise that He brings. I hope you visit her space.
The writers I write with are talented, courageous, and marvelous. I hope you enjoy the visit to their spaces. I look forward to sharing more friends with you in the future.
You know.
After I’m done with my sabbatical.
How to Join
Want to know about Lisa Jo Baker, how Five Minute Friday got started, and how to participate? All the details are here. No editing or second guessing. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.
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