Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Stretching Our Hearts Wide for Mother's Day - Becoming the Gift

A mother’s heart stretches wide. This is something we grow in to. You cannot explain to a soon-to-be mother or a new mother how truly larger her heart will swell and grow over the course of her lifetime and her children’s lifetime. You cannot even tell a mother in the midst of her journey how she will continue to change and grow. And at the end, I wonder if you would be able to tell a mother who has launched her children from her nest and seen them off into the wilds of their own life. I think perhaps the answer is no. From what I hear, there is no end to the elastic expanse of a mother’s heart and what it will encompass.

We designate a day for mothers – choosing the second Sunday in May to recognize what they have given and sacrificed. But how many mothers face this day with tight smiles of trepidation; wondering if they’ll be remembered sincerely; or if they’ll run fast into the face of pastel-painted expectations showcased behind glass at the local super-mall. Artfully folded pieces of gilded paper selling for $6 simply because they say “Mother” and knickknacks to add to a shelf of other forgotten best wishes collecting dust. Do these lovely, but fleeting ideas express our true appreciation? Do we say thank you beyond this Sunday?

What if remembering our Mamas was about more than an overpriced card on a Hallmark-designated day? What if our appreciation ran into action and change that was more than a day deep and cost more than mere dollars? What if the cost was counted in time invested in relationships and experiences together with moms; long walks; gardening together; a trip to the museum; a symphony under the stars; or tea on the balcony of a quiet hotel? Things she might really like. What if the cost was dishes washed after a long day so mom could take a moment on the couch with that book where the tassel hasn’t moved in three months? What if there was listening, and doing, and following through in a way that would make Mom drop her jaw because she only had to ask once?

What if it was all of these things, and then something more?

What if the celebrated and the celebrators decided to make this day for Mamas a day that would move mountains and change the world. Even just one small corner of it?

Lisa-Jo Baker, author of Surprised by Motherhood (now there’s a good idea for a Mother’s Day delight) has been working with so many in this
blogging community on a project to do just that. The Maubane community in South Africa is home to about 250 orphans and vulnerable children and 150 adults make their way in this space of empty land and tents. Our goal is to fund a community center that will provide: a space of hygienic food preparation, running water, sanitation, facilities for a caretaker who will farm the vegetable garden for sustainable food production and provide security and maintenance for the center.

What if Mother’s Day could be about stepping outside of our needs, our wants, our day as Mothers and answering the call of the motherless child in South Africa and the mothers far across the miles who need so desperately, some of these things we take for granted on a daily basis?

What if together, our hearts could stretch wide and be the gift?

This Mother’s Day, you are invited to open your heart to the Maubane Community Center as we dream big and set our sights on expression appreciation for all that we have been given by giving back. Join us by helping to continue the funding for the Kitchen and Community Center. It’s a big dream. But that dream is backed by an even bigger God who has no limits on the miracles that He can unfold.

Remember your own mothers in a tangible way that extends beyond what the world of greeting card glitz has decided is the day. And remember these other mothers and those without moms who are oceans away, but held close in our hearts through prayer and blessing of being the gift.

I'd love to connect with you some more - stop on by the Three Bees Facebook Page or connect with me on Twitter @3BeesBlueBonnet. Let's continue the conversation!

Click on the link below to bring your gift to the Maubane Community Center in South Africa

1 comment :

  1. I love this... and I love that we are in this together, my friend! Let's watch and see what God will do!


Thank you for the kindess of your comment. I pray your patience with the word verification. I've had such troubles with spammers lately. Thank you for grace. I look forward to reading all the comments and responding. I appreciate you!