This week: Release
And this is how it happened today. With someone I’ve never met before. Because sometimes when they listen; kindness and compassion will shatter you.
She asked the easiest question: “so, tell me how you’re doing.”
It was physical therapy. A safe place. It’s supposed to be helping me. But this is me. And to be honest, there aren’t many safe places. And I spend most of my time holding it in; carrying on; making it work. That’s just what I do.
But sometimes holding it in and being wound tight like a spring works only for so long. And then the unexpected kindness of someone who actually listens – who actually takes a vested interest in caring about the thing hurting you most – takes it out of you and everything comes out in a rush of tears and squints and apologies that are far more unnecessary than you know.
So after I lost it in front of a stranger. And after she laid her healing hands on me and took me another small step in the direction of healing. And after I had some time to reflect on the pain – the physical pain as well as the pain of not being heard – I realized that I don’t just do this with people – strangers or not. I do this with God.
Yes. With the God of the Universe. Creator of all things. Who knows me better than I know myself. Constantly. Consistently. In spite of knowing better. In my head. All the time. (I need so many reminders)
I am a problem solver. I am a fixer. I am a do-er. I am used to the weight of the world resting on my shoulders. I am not good at letting go.
Yet the passage I have been clinging to for months reminds me each time I look at it, that it is the unforced rhythms of grace that I want. It is the recovery of life that comes from resting in the green pastures the God will lead me to. If I follow him. It is the free and light living I will have. If I keep company with him.
Have you been there?
Perhaps you’re there right now.
Caught in the midst of a struggle – some pain that has plagued you? Some situation that refuses to resolve itself? A weight resting on your shoulders that makes each daily step feel as though you’re carrying a load of stones?
May I invite you to enter into the reminder of release with me? I know you know it. I know I know it. But can we come and know it again together? Let’s walk back to the foot of the cross of the King, where rest and relief can be found. Let’s try to linger there in his presence just a little bit longer this time. I know we tend to wander. But let’s stay for just a little while here; wondering at the gift of grace. Each day, just a little longer.
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Want to know about Lisa Jo Baker, how Five Minute Friday got started, and how to participate? All the details are here. No editing or second guessing. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you; encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.
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I love this, Rebekah. Those gentle invitations from someone who truly cares. We go there. Because we know they are safe. They are Jesus with skin on ...
ReplyDeleteThank you, Rebekah! This was exactly what I needed to hear! Finding that place in Him and releasing all those cares to Him!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing! Hugs :)
He is so Gracious to allow us to crumble under the burdens of life so He can reveal His power. You wrote of this so beautifully. Thanks for sharing your gift. FMF
ReplyDeleteThis right here? That's me. "I am a problem solver. I am a fixer. I am a do-er. I am used to the weight of the world resting on my shoulders. I am not good at letting go." I knew we were friends for a reason. :-)
ReplyDeleteOh, I don't release well either. Sometimes I think if I let it all go, I'll never get it back, never recover, never be the same. But maybe that's the point. Thanks for sharing so transparently, friend. Love your words!
ReplyDeleteI so appreciate when people take the time to release with me. I feel so honored to be a safe person for them. Thank you for choosing to allow someone to love on you.
ReplyDeleteKnow that you are kept in my prayers. If I can help, or just listen, let me know. With God, all things are possible.
Rebekah, thank you for sharing. I also tend to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders, and I tend to forget that Jesus wants me to turn that burden over to Him. I needed the reminder!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you shared.
ReplyDeleteOf course the line of the verses that stood out to me are these: the unforced rhythms of grace. And I love how we can wonder at His grace instead of wandering. To spend a little more time at the foot of the cross in thanks... thank you for reminding me to do so.
ReplyDeleteOh, how well I relate to this. I try to hold it all together, forgetting that in the falling apart comes the healing, and that it is not up to me to protect those who may inflict pain whether they intend to or not.
ReplyDeleteOh yes friend, I needed these words. Praying you have a blessed week.
ReplyDeleteI recently had someone come up to me, look me gently in the eyes, and ask, "What can I do for you?" Just like that, out of no where....God sends the encouragement just when our hearts need it!