Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Holding On To You: Finding God In The Midst of the Things that Hurt (guest posting at My Freshly Brewed Life)

The most beautiful summer day lies right outside my back door. A clear blue sky like an accidental spill of water across the table; cherry trees vibrant with verdant green leaves – so similar to the birds that perch in their branches; the warm sun soaking in to fresh cut grass and smells like happiness and memory.  
I see these things around me and they make me smile. For a moment. And then I’m not smiling. I’ll have taken a step. Or stretched something out too far. Or moved too quickly and realized that one of my joints isn’t cooperating. There is pain.  
This is a daily challenge and struggle I wrestle with – and imagine that so many others do too. But we don’t talk about it. The things that hurt – whether physical, mental, or emotional. 
Continue reading here … 

I’m so blessed to be guest posting over at my friend Barbie’s blog today. You may remember her from my interview a couple of weeks ago where we talked about her painting and Art in Her Life. Barbie’s space is always a restful, encouraging place to visit. Her words lift you up and her desire for God’s heart is a beacon in this world.

The words I share on her blog today are not easy and light. They may be encouraging, but they are hard. I have felt God pulling me to write about the hard things – I have more experience than I’d like to admit with them, these deserts – but by the same token, these hard things have brought me closer to God and glimpses of His grace and mercy.

If you find yourself in the midst of a hard space or time, I pray these words speak to you and give you hope.

I'd love to connect with you some more - stop on by the Three Bees Facebook Page or connect with me on Twitter @3BeesBlueBonnet. Let's continue the conversation!


  1. Thank you for sharing words that aren't easy and light. There are days for those posts and there are days for the other...but lately i find myself resonating most with those that reveal the pain of life and the continued striving after truth and peace. thank you for sharing your experience Rebekah. thank you for being vulnerable and honest. I see your face and name at a couple of link ups that i participate in (and with mutual friends) and each time I find myself here in your space..i am blessed. Thank you for continuing to write.

  2. I just came back from Barbara's. Your words were absolutely beautiful. You write about the hard things, and I am so glad you do, because I can so easily relate and you encourage me each and every time, because in those hard times there is still God's amazing truth and love. Thank you for sharing your heart and your life so beautifully. Your words always add a little balm to my soul. :)

  3. You have a beautiful writing voice! Thank you so much for being willing to encourage others :] xo


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