Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Prayer Matters - an invitation to 192 Hours of Prayer for Kaitlyn

As I get older, I appreciate the power or prayer more and more. Not just as a conversational vehicle to communicate with God, but as a way to interact with him; place requests at his feet; and watch miracles unfurl because of those conversations and petitions.

Asking the Lord for help – seeking his face – is a blessing, not only for ourselves, but in some ways, even more so when we’re praying for someone else.

I have a small, intimate group of friends that I shared the recent IF: Gathering with. We connected over Voxer and watched the event together; shared responses; laughed and cried together; and committed to encourage and pray for each other beyond the event. I connect with these women on a weekly basis and am so grateful for the friendships that are growing and deepening, and how we hold each other up in prayer and with our messages through all the things that life hands us.

One of these women is my friend Kaitlyn. She’s a senior at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama; organizer of the #fmfpartysnailmail project, and is leaving this Thursday for a mission trip to Haiti. She made this trip for the first time last year (you can read about it here), and before she left, I felt the Lord lay on my heart the need for Kaitlyn and her team to be covered in prayer during the time they were gone. This turned into a venture I called 192 Hours of Prayer (complete with hashtag) and it made such a tremendous difference – ones we may not even know about – while Kaitlyn was away.

This year, I feel that same call again, and invite friends, family, the Five Minute Friday community, participants of the #fmfsnailmailparty, and others, to join with me in praying for Kaitlyn and her team as they travel to Haiti and actively become the hands and feet of Christ to the villages and people they'll encounter.

You can sign up for a single hour during the 192 hours, or choose the same hour across the days she’s gone. Or you can even not sign up, but still join with us in praying for this sweet girl. Whatever you feel called to do – I invite you to visit the spreadsheet below to sign up for times, or mark your calendar with her travel dates (March 12 through March 20).


I'd love to connect with you some more - stop on by the Three Bees Facebook Page or connect with me on Twitter @3BeesBlueBonnet. Let's continue the conversation!


  1. I used to think prayer was just sharing my wants and needs with God. As I have gotten older I have seen what a pleasure, privilege and blessing it is to go to meet with Him. We are allowed to come boldly into His of the Savior of the World just to spend the time with HIm.

    Thank you Rebekah for bringing us together in prayer. Love you !!


Thank you for the kindess of your comment. I pray your patience with the word verification. I've had such troubles with spammers lately. Thank you for grace. I look forward to reading all the comments and responding. I appreciate you!