Monday, September 29, 2014

My Own First Corinthians Thirteen

Even if you’re not overly familiar with your Bible, I’m sure you’ve heard of, or even seen part of the book of First Corinthians they call the Love Chapter. It’s a beautiful exploration of true love – what it is, and what it’s not.

My mind wandered there over the weekend – just reflecting on where I am at this point in my life; considering things that are happening around me; and being incredibly grateful for the relationship I have with my husband. It’s not perfect by a long shot, but it’s good. We continue to work on the relationship and invest in each other, and are in all the best ways, the perfect balance for each other.

Because this is a blessing and a gift I don’t ever want to take for granted, I decided to write my own paraphrase of I Corinthians 13. My own love chapter, dedicated to my best friend and love of my life.

He is the most patient man I have even known – standing firm in the face of some of life’s hardest challenges; the kind of things that would have broken a lesser man, or chased a less persistent man away.

He is always proud of my accomplishments; being my loudest cheerleader and biggest source of encouragement.

He knows that we are not the same, and never feels diminished by my success. In fact, he relishes it.

He does not suffer from an overblown ego, but remains confident in his abilities and strengths. Very often, he graciously acquiesces to my teasing and cajoling – and frankly – we have enough in common that we have so many things we can enjoy doing together. But we’re also very different and can enjoy our space apart. Sometimes, we just enjoy being quiet together. And that is a gift.

He has a strong sense of justice and celebrates when right prevails. He has stood with me through financial struggles, the upending and startling painfulness of family ups and downs, health issues – the ones that have almost ended me, and the ones that continue to hang on in debilitating, chronic ways. Oh, the health issues. He has hope that I will get better, but until then, often operates as my hands and feet; as my driver; as my comforter; as my guide; as my rock when I have low moments and feel as if I can’t go on.

He is the only person I am completely comfortable with – and by that I mean he sees the good, the bad, and the awful. He sees the giddy and the goofy. He sees the serious and the struggle. He sees the committed and the determined. He sees the whole of me.

No one makes me laugh like this man – in some ways; he reminds me what it’s like to be a child again.

He believes in me. He has hope for our future. But most of all, he loves me.

I'd love to connect with you some more - stop on by the Three Bees Facebook Page or connect with me on Twitter @3BeesBlueBonnet. Let's continue the conversation!


  1. Your words are so beautiful, and brought tears to my eyes. I'm thankful that I have a 1 Corinthians 13 man, too. Love this!


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