But God is amazing and has His own plans that are far larger than mine. I have made tremendous friends through this wonderful online community and am thrilled to be sharing my kitchen table with one of those friends tonight. Can I tell you that this doesn’t feel like meeting someone for the first time? I feel like I’m saying hello to someone I’ve known for a while. Having Karrilee here tonight makes this kitchen into a sacred, shared space. I’m so blessed. This is the joy of this community at its best – finding and making friends that will become a real part of our lives – because of our shared faith. Because of His love.
Because no matter where we are; no matter what distance separates some or all of us, this is a fellowship of friends that gather here to write into the wee hours of the morning; then reading each others words and sharing encouragement as we go. Yes, this community opens wide and invites you in to share. Come and visit and read. You will be blessed.
This Week: Grace
This word tonight hits me hard. I’ve been writing so deep into the desert journey and so much of that space is intertwined with grace. Grace given and grace received. Lessons learned. Another step grown.
And yet, there are times – even now – when I feel like I’ve not learned a thing. When the edges around me that should have been softened and smoothed; rubbed to a finished shine by these experiences and glowing with grace – they’re still as hard and sharp as ever.
Just tonight, stepping to the door – the door that wasn’t supposed to be knocked on or had its bell rung because, hello, the light’s off – opening the door to small voices calling “Halloween” instead of “trick or treat” and I have a flash of irritation and annoyance. Why are you here? Why don’t you know the code that says don’t come when the light is off. Why ….
Why am I sitting here with a large bowl of candy if I didn’t think anyone was going to come by? Why can’t I smile kindly into small faces that are reveling in the pure joy of wandering about for candy and just give a kind greeting back? Without feeling that pang of exasperation. It’s such a small thing.
And it’s the small things that undo me. How many times to I stumble through my day tripping over opportunities for grace to abound and instead fall flat with impatience or anger. I am more ungraceful in my living than I would like to be and I am not proud of it.
My heart’s desire is to be an extension of the grace that was given freely to me – because so much has been given. I want to live my life in the grace by which we stand. Rejoicing and hoping and giving thanks in Him – the giver of all grace.
How to Join
Want to know about Lisa Jo Baker, how Five Minute Friday got started, and how to participate? All the details are here. No editing or second guessing. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.
I'd love to connect with you some more - stop on by the Three Bees Facebook Page or connect with me on Twitter @3BeesBlueBonnet. Let's continue the conversation!
How FUN that y'all are together tonight! Did you write together, as in, take a break from what must be constant chit-chatting to type for 5 minutes? Beautiful words of grace in the journey and the real, Rebekah.
ReplyDeleteWe did! I have to say it was kind of crazy fun to be sitting there across the table - both on laptops, both reading the same twitter stream, and then seeing each others comments pop up. And then we'd look up from talking and say, "yeah, I guess we should write now!" I didn't know quite what I was going to write, and then the doorbell rang and I was a total graceless dork and found my topic :)
DeleteGrace... it's a gift we receive and just keep on giving away! So honored and blessed to be here - across this kitchen table from you, my friend!
ReplyDeleteThis is going to be a very special memory for me - sitting at the kitchen table writing this five minutes with you. I have so much to process, but it was a wonderful time and I'm so, so very glad we were able to make this happen!
DeleteI love that you two are together! And even though I've never met you, it feels an awful lot like I have. I know that quick exasperation that flares and the frustration that comes when you feel like you have grace for the big things but there are so many annoyances that trip you up. It's like Karrilee said. We all give out of the overflow of what we've been given. When we grasp it, we grow in our ability to give it. Growing with you in grace, friend.
ReplyDeleteI pray that one of these days it will be you and together at a table friend! I have so much to learn from you. Praying for you as you're on your way to your dream of serving in Africa. I pray that grace covers you there. I'm going to work on continuing to grow in grace here - in the big and little things. Maybe a lot in the little things!
DeleteI LOVE that the two of you get to have your own (in)RL FMF! A little jealous here. ;) And giving others grace...the grace that has been so freely given to me...definitely not easy. But something I'm working on. Love this, friend...enjoy your time with Karrilee! (((hugs)))
ReplyDeleteIt was a delightful time - thank you! I hope to have something like it with all my FMF friends at some point. Until then, working on developing grace in the small things. And enjoying the friendships we have here - until they can be (in)RL!
Delete"My heart’s desire is to be an extension of the grace that was given freely to me – because so much has been given. I want to live my life in the grace by which we stand. Rejoicing and hoping and giving thanks in Him – the giver of all grace. " And this, your heart, it what our Lord sees and what He knows. So glad you are enjoying time together!
ReplyDeleteShell - thank you for stopping by - I love meeting new FMF friends. I appreciate your encouragement!
DeleteOkay, so I'm totally jealous of you and Kaitlyn and your time together this weekend. But I'll extend grace to you and wish a blessed time together!! :-)
ReplyDeleteSeriously, "ungraceful in my living" totally describes me too. Thanks for the reminder that it takes less time and energy to be kind and warm than to be snarky and ungracious. I needed to hear that today! Much love to you, friend!
But don't you forget Holly, I'm heading for m North Carolina roots one of these days and I'm counting on seeing you when I get there! Rejoicing with you (again) in His answer to prayer with your new job and enjoying this friendship here online until we get to meet in real life!
DeleteSo honest here! I think if we all admitted it, we struggle to extend grace in the little things. Grace replaced with irritation. Grace is so divine. I believe it's because of the strength He provides that we can even give grace. Great reminders!
ReplyDeleteChristy @ A Heartening Life
Oh Christy - thank you. It felt a little too honest! Like really, I can't be nice to *one* trick-or-treating family! But I'm grateful that God put that little Mmm-hmmm mirror right up where I could see it and said, "maybe write about this?" He is faithful in all things.
DeleteOh love this, I feel the same way, like I haven't learned a thing yet I look back and seen where I have grown. And where I still need to grow. Love you
ReplyDeleteIsn't it so funny how we can see the best in others and have a hard time seeing that in ourselves. I look at your writing and what you've grown through just in the past few months and am so thankful for all you've shared!
DeleteAn Act of Humility (in reference to God's Grace)
ReplyDeleteO God of sanctity! Who am I, that Thou shouldst come to me? "The heavens are not pure in Thy sight," and wilt Thou dwell in my heart? "Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof." The consciousness of my unworthiness would prompt me to exclaim: "Depart from me, O Lord, for I am a sinner." But oh, the wonderful condescension of Thy love! Thy pressing invitation encourages me, and dispels my fears. "Here I am, for Thou didst call me." Come then, O Jesus, take possession of a heart that wishes to belong to Thee. "Behold, they tht go far from Thee shall perish." But, O my god, this house of my heart is too narrow for Thee: do Thou enlarge it; it is falling to ruin; do Thou repair it; it has been defiled by sin: do Thou cleanse and purify it. "Look Thou upon me, and have mercy on me. Oh, heal my soul for I have sinned against Thee! Let Thy tender mercies come unto me, and I shall live! Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof; say but the word, and my soul shall be healed."
David - this is so beautiful. This could be a daily prayer for me! I especially love" But, O my God, this house of my heart is too narrow for Thee: do Thou enlarge it." Amen and amen.
DeleteI'm not jealous that you and Karrilee are spending time together (well maybe a little). Mostly I am encouraged that one day I too can have that inRL connection with some of you sweet #FMF ladies that I come to look to, depend on and love virtually.
ReplyDeleteI am learning more as I get older to accept the grace that comes in the everyday moments but it is hard.
Yes Amy - do be encouraged, because I'm looking forward to the day I can have coffee or tea with you and share some face time! You are such an encouragement to me!