No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. Unscripted. Unedited. Real.
This Week: Imagine
In twelve days, my baby girl is going to graduate from high school. I can’t believe that day is already here. I know that every year I said it was going so fast – and I meant it every year. But it just seemed to go faster and faster every time I turned around.

Her final show at the School of the Arts was a success. A glorious triumph that began as a toddler’s obsession with being “just like Mama.” Her desire to pick up a camera and capture life on film – find those moments that matter and preserve them. I kept looking at those shots and thinking, yeah, I see that – I see how she sees that. Some are just from everyday life: dishes drying in the drain; spangled with beads of water, images from her garden – early radishes sprouting under the pale, February light. Some are from far-flung places: our mission trip to India: brightly-hued clothing mixing with dusty feet on neighborhood children come to hear the Gospel story. But they are all her vision. They are all her world.
I see her now, honey-hair falling long; that sweet smile that still captures my heart – and I know her heart has survived. Those years when I thought I was going to pull my eyeballs out in frustration over our struggles with school are a blessedly distant memory. We’ve had bumps. But we’re here. And her future is laid out before her, paved with prayers and His blessing.
I hold her father’s hand; rest my head on his shoulder and know that her name has been spoken true. She is a faith hunter. And she is the child of our heart, who’s strength comes from love.
I hope this isn't cheating, but I realized I should probably provide some perspective after I read a couple of comments - which are so sweet - thank you. My daughter is currently nine, and we are in the midst of a difficult time (and that's putting it mildly) with school and such. Tonight's prompt allowed me to visit a time in the future where these current years are in the past, and she's off on her own God-blessed adventure with so much of this behind her - and behind us. Thank you for the induldgence.
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