Wednesday, July 16, 2014

sometimes i breathe

finally –

after the blasting heat
of the hours before,
and the wilting hot damp
that will not let me draw a breath –
eventide falls.

gilded light glazes trees and hillside
till they flow with the promise
of glory days to come
and reflected majesty;
warming this lonely earth
(and the ache inside).

summer skies are
bleached the pale of well-worn denim;
soft enough to wrap weary hearts
and tired bones of tired mamas,
and swimmers well-spent from miles of laps,
and skaters chilled from hours of spinning jumps,
and dogs panting
from just one more lap around the field.

this is the quiet time –
when the breeze sweeps in
on the back of the swallows,
tipping into shadow,
as birds dive for empty ripples;
remembering they have no need to fear;
they are cared for –
this is the hallowed moment
(the time between times)

and in this moment,
sometimes I breathe.

I'd love to connect with you some more - stop on by the Three Bees Facebook Page or connect with me on Twitter @3BeesBlueBonnet. Let's continue the conversation!

I'm joining Simply Beth for her Three Word Wednesday link up. It's been over a month since I joined this circle of writers, and I have missed them. For this link up, choose three words; share a post, photo, or scripture that highlights those three words; link up here; and share some encouragement and blog love with other writers.  

I'm also so very pleased to be joining my dear friend Jenn for her No Words Are Needed link up. I thought since this was one of my own photos this time, I'd share here. Jenn has such a beautiful, generous heart - I hope you'll take a moment to visit her blog and read her words.


  1. Beautiful words. Stopping over from TWW

  2. This is beautiful poetry. Such truth, written with such imagery. I love the ending: "this is the hallowed moment
    (the time between times)
    and in this moment,
    sometimes I breathe."
    Thank you for sharing your gift here. TWW

  3. Rebekah, I am so glad you posted this to FB. It is so very true, there is something so peaceful about the evening hours. When the temps cool a little bit, dusk begins to settle in & all is just a little calmer. It's like we settle down enough to absorb Him. Blessings!!

  4. Beautiful. The time between time…..that's were I must remember to breathe. Blessings!

  5. Oh my stars this is beautiful!! You have a gift my friend. Love you and thank you for sharing.!

  6. So beautiful! I'm so glad you are having such a wonderful summer with your girl. Love the photos of her swimming! Much love to you.


Thank you for the kindess of your comment. I pray your patience with the word verification. I've had such troubles with spammers lately. Thank you for grace. I look forward to reading all the comments and responding. I appreciate you!